Pharmaceutical Chargeback Processing: EDI 849 Error Codes
One of the key requirements for pharmaceutical chargeback processing is an ability to detect errors. The errors contained in pharmaceutical chargeback claims, sent by wholesalers to pharma manufacturers, average about 5-7% of contractual sales. Chargeback overpayment is a serious factor for the revenue leakage.
One of the key functions of the pharmaceutical chargeback processing is detecting all possible errors, adjusting the claims and communicating the adjustments and their reasons back to the wholesalers.
The chargeback reconciliation can be made either in a format of EDI form 849 “Response to Product Transfer Account Adjustment Transaction Set”, or in the format provided by the wholesalers for flat files. In both formats, the manufacturer has to show claim lines with errors, provide the error codes and adjusted values. While different manufacturers have different formats for reconciliation file formats, the error codes are consistent thr
oughout the industry.
Some validation rules rely on the plain data, submitted in the chargeback claim. Other rules require involvement of additional data, like membership rosters to check entity eligibility to buy on the submitted contract. Other rules rely on more sophisticated calculations, like detecting insufficient inventory at the wholesaler distribution centre.
Failure to utilize all available error codes means that some errors go undetected, and a correlated loss of revenue related to these missing validation rule will continue to happen unabated.
Pharmaceutical Chargeback Processing: EDI 849 Error Categories
The errors could be grouped into the following categories:
- Customer
- Product
- Contract
- Wholesaler
- Pricing
- Quantity
- Multiple Submissions
- Sale Date
All categories, except for “Multiple Submission” are self-explanatory.
Errors related to Multiple Submissions happen when a wholesaler adjusts the original claim and submits it on a new debit memo. Often, such adjustments happen because wholesaler adjusts the contract on which the sale was made. In such cases, the wholesaler reports a credit for the originally billed line on the original contract number, and then re-submits the same claim under a corrected contract number.
The following diagram shows debit memo processing cycle. Wholesaler re-submission can come as a response to either 849 correction sent by the manufacturer, or as a result of correction made by the wholesaler internally.

Pharmaceutical chargeback processing cycle for a debit memo
Pharmaceutical Chargeback Processing: EDI 849 Error Codes
The list below shows all available error codes by the categories:
FF: Customer not covered by the contract
GG: Customer dropped from the contract before the invoice date
HH: Customer was not eligible to the contract on the Invoice date yet
II: No Customer ID was provided
JJ: Customer ID is invalid
KK: Drug is not covered by the contract
LL: Drug is not longer on the contract
MM: Drug is not on the contract yet
NN: Drug code is missing or invalid
AA: The contract number is not supplied.
BB: Contract number supplied is not valid
CC: Invoice date is after the contract expiration date
DD: Invoice date is before the contract started
OO: The contract has never been loaded at the submitting wholesaler
PP: The wholesaler no longer carries the contract
QQ: The wholesaler has not been eligible for the contract yet
SS: Contract price was not supplied
TT: Contract price was not correct
UU: Wholesaler acquisition cost was missing
VV: Wholesaler acquisition cost was incorrect
WW: Extended chargeback amount not provided
XX: Extended chargeback amount incorrect
A1: Insufficient Wholesaler Inventory
A3: Quantity Invalid – Free Goods
A5: Minimum Order Quantity Not Met
RR: Quantity Invalid or Not Supplied
Multiple Submissions
A4: Rebill Without Offsetting Credit
RI: Invalid Resubmit Number
YY: Duplicate Chargeback Request
Sale Date
A2: Line Item Too Old
EE: Invoice Date Missing or Invalid
Best practices of pharmaceutical chargeback processing require utilization of all available error codes in the chargeback claim validation.
Relasoft offers best in class chargeback solution: The solution, that supports all standard and a number of custom validation rules, supporting specific terms of the manufacturers sales agreements and preventing overpayments of all types.
Should you have questions on chargeback processing, please submit them here or call us at 416-783-1027 for a good conversation without any obligations.
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[…] Utilizing all available customer identifiers in pharmaceutical chargebacks EDI 844 submission is important for customer eligibility verification and various aspects of indirect sales analysis. Validation rules based on provided customer information are discussed at length here. […]